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Sunday, May 15, 2011

hary k0nv0kesyen....hapi....

assalamualaikum...nie pic yg aku amik time k0nv0 smlm...hpy nye hanye tuhan je yg tau..yg penting family aku dtg..^_^ n bg hadiah..eheheh..da la dpt jumpa kawan2...tp..perpisahan berlaku lagi..amat mnyedihkan..enta bila dpt jumpa kawan2 aku tu..ermm..ape2 pon syukur alhamdulillah c0z majlis berjalan dgn lancar..eheheh...e2 je aku nk cite...

 berdebar jantung aku time nik atas pentas nie...yela kiri kanan kemre..hahaha...mcm artis..
 nie la hadiah tu..bear p0oh n s0tong n bunga r0se...tq...suke2 haha
 nie pic ngan mak ayah n akak aku yg n0 2
 yg nie lak pic ngn akak aku yg sul0ng...die ny0r0k
 kalo kowank nk tau..budak laki tu pelajar cemerlang bg c0z PELUKIS PELAN SENIBiNA..die nie otak leh tahan..kelakar..peramah.tahniah untuk die..
 ank dara pingitan...hahah..lagi 3 owg ilang....jumpa yg nie je..s0 akak aku snap je..huhuh...kngan seyh..enta bila dpt snap pic mcm nie..kan2
 ni bukan nk uat k0ntervasi...tp nk kongsi..yela..nie 2 owg her0 nie..kawan aku lg skola men...mcm x caya leh jumpa at k0nv0..heheh..tq c0z sudi bergambar...KKJS vs KKBB
 bersama insan yg tersayang yg ku gelar sahabat..haha..slalu uat aku hapy..tq c0z ade time aku hampir tersungkur dulu...
bersama insan yg paling aku SAYANG dalam hidup....tnpa kalian sape la aku di dunia nie.....tq...luv u..

tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

detik bahgia smkin hmpir...^_^

 nk tye nie..aper perasaan kowank kalo detik bahgia kowank smkin hampir??kongsi2 la ngan sy..c0z sy rasa gementar sikit sbb detik bahgia sy smkin hampir..seram sejuk jdk nyer..hihi..hope berjalan sperty yg d rancang..kan2...mau terkeluar je jant0ng sy piki bnda nie smkin hampir...ader x tip2 nk ilang kan gemuruh JIWA nie...hehe

tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

Sunday, May 8, 2011

kenangan kuar t0wn wif my frend n al0ng

ehem2..ni la pic yg kiteowg amik time g town ary to..g mahkota parade min boling n kar0k..pastu g banda hilir lak...huhu..best walaupon ujan..enta bile la aku dpt kuar ngan dieowg ag..ermm..kenangan je la yg tggl..kan2..huhuh..tp aper2 pon aku enjoy ngan dieowg...

tp kowang pasan x?? dak laki yg bawah skali tu?? ukan nk uat konteversi..just nk k0ngsi...ehhe..malam ary tu teman die g beli kasut...nk kasut jenama c0nverse..smart la jugk...sbb aku yg pilih untuk die..hahah...die nie kira rapat gak ngan aku...yela ank buah sdara la katakn..huhu..die kalo shoping kalah pompuan..ehehe..tp x pe..aku suka kuar ngan die...sempoi...

tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

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this i promise you

N'Sync - This I Promise You Lyrics

When the visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you
Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Every word I say is true
This I promise you
I promise you

powered by ash akira zack

dapat award dr SG

dapat award  dr SG