I made this widget at MyFlashFetish.com.


Thursday, April 21, 2011

tinggal kenangan http://www.smileycodes.info

hanya tinggal kenangan je...c0z moto nie da ilang pg td..ms my dad nk anta sis aku g keje..da la byk gile kenangan ngan moto nie..h0pe jumpa balik la..c0z aku syg gile ngan moto nie..da hampir 2 taun seyh ngan aku..die la buah haty aku..sowang pon x sedar bile moto tu kene curi..mungkin ker owg dlm uma nie kene pukau?? tu aku x tau la...last aku guna semalam...masa g beli r0ti canai..malam lak my dad guna...da siap lock sume my dad ms0k uma..yg pelik la larat ker nk angkat moto ex5 tu?? langsung x de bunyi owg jalan...pdahal moto aku at tengah2...antara moto lama ayah ngan moto baru abg..mungkin xde rezki aku agk nyer nk pakai lama...tp bet0l2 syg owhhh...da la P abis ary nie...moto pon ilang...ingat nk bukak P yg ade at moto nk rasmi kata nyer...ahaha..aku terima je la takdir nie...ermm..sian my dad susah nk g keje kalo moto ex5 x de...:(

p/s: lain kali moto parking at dalam uma..insyaallah x ilang...amin..

tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

Thursday, April 7, 2011

persoalan terjawab!!! http://www.smileycodes.info

 yer mmg sudah tejawab kamu bukan jd0h ku..ok aku terima..aku harap kamu bahagia..tp knpe mndiamkan diri..x nk bg tau awl2..takut?? xde hal la..aku ukan nk marah pon..janji die hapy..bet0l ark?? aku msg die. s0h jujur ngan aku..die bgus die jujur..ok skunk aku da tau die da ad couple...perhubungan aku ngan die hanye frend..e2 yg die ckp..hampir 3bulan...aku ngan die...tp status tergant0ng??hehe..tp tq untuk die c0z jujur an...x nk ckp byk...selamat berbahagia...^_^

tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

pers0alan?? http://www.smileycodes.info

 no mood t0day coz byk sgt persoalan yg timbul dlm kepala aku..pasal sape pasal die insan yg bernama lelaki...sudah beberape hary die x balas msg aku..aku pon xtau knper??die berubah mndadak..no yg slalu c0ntact pon da jarang on..die ade masalah ker??ermm aku pon xtau..tp nape uat aku mcm nie...kan senang terus terang..mungkin aku leh terima...tp jgn la diam kn diri biarkn aku sowang2 pendam rasa mcm nie...
terus terang ku kata kn...yang aku mula syg pd kamu..tp knape uat sy mcm nie..knpe uat sy rasa sunyi...uat sy rasa khilangan  ..slalu x mcm nie pon...knpe..tolong la bg tau status kite yg sbenarya...sy amat memerlukan jawapan kamu....
tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

Friday, April 1, 2011

ayat cinta??? http://www.smileycodes.info

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you

nak kongsi...nampak kn lirik at ats tu...tu ayat yg penah dia send art aku kol 4am...aku pecaya bulat2..al maklum la...cinta pertama...aku percaya la bulat2...aku simpan ag ayat tu..mungkin ALLAH nk tunjukkn aku kot..lirik lagu nie full version..mmg best la lirik die..sentimental b0le uat owg touching...tp aku nk ucap time kasih art die bg ayat nie at aku..ayat nie akan kekal at kpala otak aku..aku ingat nk send at die..bio die terkejut aku da jumpa lagu nie...tp e2 niat dlm aty je..ehehe..aku x nk die anggap aku musuh die...walaupon da x de ape2..tp still boleh kawan kn???ahahah...jangan la anggap EX korang tu musuh ..hehe..nasihat kn owg dry sndry x tau ag...hihihi..okie2..sape2 yg nk lirik penuh lagu art belah....siap ngan lagu skali....wahahha...h0pe die pon tg0k la bl0g aku nie...:-p

tq coz sudi bc walup0n x best..komen2 yer ^.^

wibiya widget

this i promise you

N'Sync - This I Promise You Lyrics

When the visions around you
Bring tears to your eyes
And all that surround you
Are secrets and lies

I'll be your strength
I'll give you hope
Keeping your faith when it's gone
The one you should call
Was standing here all along

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

I've loved you forever
In lifetimes before
And I promise you never
Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word
I give you my heart
This is a battle we've won
And with this vow
Forever has now begun

Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you
This I promise you

Over and over I fall
When I hear you call
Without you in my life, baby
I just wouldn't be living at all

And I will take you in my arms
And hold you right where you belong
'Til the day my life is through
This I promise you, baby

Just close your eyes
Each lovin' day
And know this feeling won't go away
Every word I say is true
This I promise you
Every word I say is true
This I promise you
I promise you

powered by ash akira zack

dapat award dr SG

dapat award  dr SG